
So What Is It About ?

There are some situations where we need to take a long break( whether it’s 1 week or a month or years maybe) from your career/hobby, maybe due to some unavoidable situations, but when it comes to getting back to work after a long break can be, little frustrating some times may be because you may have lost your flow to work or may be you get overwhelmed where to started or your mind just went blank all of a sudden . Well, here are some tips that can help you with that. :

Don’t get depressed :

After a long break, there is a chance that you might have lost your productivity and it’s totally fine. We will forget stuff if we don’t revise it every now and then, such as best practices or basic stuff . Just try implementing 1 or more projects and that will give you some relief.

Stick on to a specific topic :

Instead of trying to revise all the things, just concentrate on one topic.

Polishing your skills :

Polish your skills by implementing your projects one by one. It can be a pain at first. Try implementing more projects through this process. You can brush up your skills.

Set A Schedule :

Try to be more punctual . Try creating ergnomic schedule for yourself so that you can be more productive and try to stick to that schedule for a while.

Try to catch up with the current situation :

We are students of life . We never stop learning new stuff . It is really important to learn new stuff and to stay updated on the once that you have already learned . Developer community is growing day by day new and awesome technology emerge try learning something new . Try watching some tutorial or read articles or books or anything that will feed your mind :D .

Start a side project :

Start to do something on your own preferably something that you are interested . When building a side project you run into different issues have to debug and figure out the solutions own your own and thats a great was to polish your skills as a developer

Socialising :

Talking to other developers and sharing your experiences is a great way to get you back into to the mood or mindset for coding

Dont Push Your Self Too Hard :

Take frequent breaks through the day . Try spending some quality time with your family

Conclusion :

Don’t Worry Just Stay Awesome :D

Keep Coding !!!

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